Friday, March 21, 2008

Rome, Italy

whooo Italy this place is awesome very tiring flying here I need to convert my dollars to euros. Because I"m still recovering from a bullet in the stomach I passed out over the Atlantic ocean thank god Zeke and Takumi were flying beside me.but that's over and now vacation sort of begins!Italian pizza is different that the view that we have in America the peperoni is allot bigger and the crust thinner. right now were in a cafe Ziggy and max are trying anything is sight Zeke is trying to get violent to talk Takumi is ordering moose chocolate cream(its allot like ice cream it just doesn't melt and its a cream) and I'm sitting here with Ramona. Ramona found out here parents and she and Takumi and max have another brother a 7 year old and they live in Italy here I hope they live in belliagoI've been there once with my old pack....and one last thing my parents are staying with my uncle Asriel I got an email from them today and when the xs lab destroyed our house they lost every scrap of money well that's all I've got to say now bye

1 comment:

Beth said...

Italy,neat...never been there.Sounds good tho.
Anyways, nice to hear from you again and glad your alright.
Another bro eh, guess Ramona's really outnumbered now! And your parents seem to be doing alright to.
And you seem to be having fun and to be enjoying the food! XP
Good luck and hope you have a Happy Easter.

Yes, really pointless comment, but allwells.